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I have doubts... is that bad?


The teenage years are when we decide if we want to adopt the principles of the faith they’ve been raised with or look into other options. This leads to all kinds of doubts and questions. We will explore the following questions that we struggle with most: 1. How do I know that God is real? 2. How do we know that the Bible is true? 3. What if I have doubts about my faith?... What should I do? 4. Why did God allow this difficult thing/suffering to happen to me? 5. How can a God who supposedly loves us, allow for so much suffering in the world? 6. If God loves me then why isn’t He answering my prayers? 7. What about my friends who don’t go to church, but who are nice people?... Does going to church really make a difference, and shouldn’t I still be friends with them? 8. I am struggling with this specific temptation or doubt... Does God still want to have a relationship with me? 9. I've really messed up in the past... Can God really forgive me for these things?

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